Saturday 30 July 2011

Ardmaddy Fish Farm - Still time to object

The above is a panoramic view of the area under threat.

For those just coming on board our campaign the site in the middle of Seil Sound has great environmental and scenic value and historical importance. The threat comes from a proposed 2500 tonne biomass salmon farm with a substantial grey concrete feeding and servicing barge, interfering with a run much used by sea trout and other wild fish and blocking more than half of the navigable channel, as the part of the Sound left open contains extremely hazardous unmarked rocks.

The good news is that to date about 350 people have found the time to register their objections on the Argyll & Bute Council website and THERE'S STILL TIME. It's been confirmed that the official time limit for comments on the proposal is 4 August and comments can be registered by clicking here:-

Argyll & Bute Council public access for comments

In practice in a matter of great importance the Council will have regard to new matters raised in comments made right up to the date of the decision, but that is no reason to delay.

Not everyone has computer access and as I write this leaflets are being delivered by hand to every house on the islands of Seil and Luing. They will be most immediately affected by the noise of generators running 24 hours per day and the visual impact, but it's terribly important that everyone who is concerned about our environment, our wild-life and the health and safety of residents and visitors alike should register their views. The address for written comments is:-

Argyll and Bute Council, Kilmory, Lochgilphead, Argyll, PA31 8RT, quoting planning ref: 11/01066/MFF

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