Saturday 4 February 2012

Cool Colonsay

I'm just back from an interesting trip to Colonsay. Over the years I've often had a glimpse of this island, visible far out to sea from the pre-historic lookout post of Dun Fada round the corner from Degnish Point, but thoughts of the great Atlantic swells always put me off visiting by boat. Better to travel on board the good ship Isle of Mull, above, where good conversation and fine strong coffee can be found.

An invitation  to take part in a discussion about the proposed fish farm stirred me from winter lethargy into three days on this magical island on the edge of the world. 

What follows is a little photo-essay of my visit, without the polemic, which I will save for a more political forum.

Well, maybe not entirely politics-free, because what on earth is the Icebeam doing in Oban? She's been here for months, a Swedish research ship equipped with state of the art under-water survey equipment. She's been seen as far afield as Ardnamurchan, as reported by the Kilchoan Blogger.

McCaig's Folly
And I can't resist a poke at the PC Brigade, who insist on calling it a tower, when everyone knows its real name. Here goes with the essay.

Leaving the Sound of Kerrera, Mull in the distance.
On arriving there was time for  quick drive round the island before dark.

The Strand, between Colonsay and Oronsay
It has to be called Hangman's Rock

Loch Fada
First view of Traigh Ban

Day Two dawned cold and bright and I decided to do a gentle stroll from Scalasaig to the north of the island.


Leaving Scalasaig one soon comes to an interesting wee haven.

After a little while I came to the Colonsay House estate and took a detour through.

A case for the WD40
Traigh Ban again, from under Carnan Eoin
Raised beach

The Old Man of Balnahard

The way back is always longer  

On Day Three I had time to explore south from Scalasaig and walked over towards Queens Bay, where there are signs of old cultivation.


From the high ground one gets a good view of the Scalasaig Kirk.

And finally a view of the route home, with Jura stretching north on the left and Scarba just visible beyond.

1 comment:

  1. lovely to see all those views again after so long. Its been too long since i have been to my place of birth
