Tuesday 11 June 2013

Visitor from Bermuda

We looked out yesterday morning to find that a huge bird had landed at the head of the loch, where it's too shallow for ships and usually the haunt of herons, curlews and oyster catchers.

It turns out she's the command of Captain Kirk Ward, master boat builder and jazz musician of Hamilton, Bermuda and she's en route to Wales, having just crossed the Atlantic at speeds of up to twenty four knots and arrived here via the Corryvreckan.

This strikingly elegant trimaran has had an interesting career. She's a Chris White Hammerhead design, fifty four feet overall and thirty five wide, built about twelve years ago for her first owner to use as a retirement home.

She was soon bought by the long distance multihull racer John Barry, who added the bowsprit and a new sailplan and named her Rogue Wave. He won a lot of races in her before she found some water that was too shallow for her and piled up on a reef at speed. The entire bottom was ripped out and the wreckage was acquired by Captain Kirk, who has made an excellent job of putting her back together again.

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