Sunday 30 June 2013

Yet another Mystery Yacht

The success rate to date has been 100%, thanks mainly to the Leggy Prawn, who as it happens has also had a hand (or perhaps a claw) in this one.

The image is from a lovely big portrait photograph in the Royal Northern & Clyde Yacht Club so most likely shows a West coast, probably Clyde scene. 

There seems to be a large strangely-shaped white building on the shore in the background.

In the centre of the cockpit appears what may be a hand on the jib sheet, with rather a smart white cuff showing.

The Prawn was crawling around the RN&CYC last weekend and expressed a view, but I won't publish it at this stage, so as not to spoil the fun.

One thing that struck me was the width of the panels in the sails, which seem incredibly narrow if that is truly a hand showing.

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure this is Verve (III), Robert Wylie's 1892 G L Watson designed 23 / 30 ft class, built by Alexander Robertson & Sons. A small version of the photo is in the Badminton Library Yachting chapter on Scottish Clubs, and the boat is also mentioned in the 8th edition of Dixon Kemp's Manual of Yacht & Boat Sailing. TR.
