Sunday, 21 July 2013

Top Secret - Bilderglug Fleet Summer Manoeuvre imminent

Hidden at a private spot in the middle of wildest Argyll plans were made for the Summer Fleet exercise. The meeting done the plans were memorised and eaten. It was a still morning and the nutshells sat on water like glass.

Juni rode to the gentle tide.

With the promise of land breezes later plans were made for an interim excursion to Right Island and a few hours later the fleet converged on North Bay. 

Iain Oughtred Whilly boat Bonny

Richard Pierce excursion skiff Sciurus

Lune Whammell Hede and Tore Herlin's Juni

Bonny heads for Luing

Hede sets off, in the tent on the right lives Mike, the island's leader

Sciurus off to Torsa 

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